Friday, June 5, 2015

Glitter Eye DIY's

As glitter nails and makeup continues to grow in trend, we are seeing a lot of glitter eye looks! We're sure you've seen them too. Have you been wondering how you can pull off the glitter eye? Or do you just assume it would be too hard to create the look? We've got some pointers that just might help you out!

Cosmetic Glitter- First things first, you have to make sure you're using cosmetic glitter! Why? Well, why would you want to use glitter that was designed to be put in nail polish or on crafts for your skin? Using the wrong kind of glitter can give you a rash. Yuck!

Now How Do You Apply It?

DO NOT apply your glitter directly to your skin! Applying directly to your skin increases irritation to the skin and the glitter just won't stay put the way you want. 

A very simple and easy way to apply glitter to your eyelids is by mixing your glitter in a creme-based eyeshadow. You can use any color eyeshadow your heart desires! A flesh toned eyeshadow will make your glitter stand out more, but you can always match your glitter color with your eyeshadow for a more subtle sparkle. This is a great way to create your own unique eyeshadow!

Choose Your Eye Glitter Style!

Now's the fun part, deciding what look you want for your eye makeup!

You can completely cover your eyelid for a straight forward in your face look. This is definitely for those who are bold at heart.

Not so in love with the completely covered look? Maybe lining your eyelid the way you would with eyeliner is more your style. Much more subtle, but just as eye popping!


Unfortunately, wiping with water on a damp rag will not remove your glitter makeup. If you're planning on getting into the glitter eye look, it would be a good idea to invest in an oil based makeup remover.

We hope your glitter eye endeavors are a success! Don't be afraid to experiment to find the perfect look you can love! :)


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